Please join CAAS at its May 2011 meeting on May 14th at 7 p.m. in the classroom on the grounds of the River Ridge Observatory. Please email if you need the link and password to the directions. After a short business meeting, Jim Fisher and John Reed will make a presentation on “The Care and Feeding of a Newtonian Telescope.”
The Newtonian telescope is the workhouse instrument for many amateur astronomers. Jim and John will give an informal tutorial on how to care for and operate Newtonian and Dobsonian telescopes. For those members who have been with the club six months or more and are in attendance, this instruction will serve as the requirement for “Observatory Status,” thus permitting those members use of the CAAS 10” Dobsonian telescope.
We will also reports on the highly successful star party for the Japanese science students and National Astronomy Day. In addition we will have last minute updates on the planning for the programs for the Mid States of The Astronomical League Conference coming up on May 20 – 21st near Ozark, Arkansas and National Astronomy Day.
Clouds permitting we will adjourn to the observing field for fun and fellowship under Saturn, the gibbous moon, and the stars!
In addition, the latest edition of the CAAS newsletter is available and can be downloaded from here.