Registration is now open for the 2011 Mid-States Region of The Astronomical League (MSRAL). This year’s MSRAL annual convention is being held in conjunction with the fourth annual Mulberry Mountain Star Party on Friday, May 20 and Saturday May 21, 2011. Registration for the conference can be completed at this link: Hurry; registration fees go up after May 8th! The event location is the Mulberry Mountain Lodging and Events (MML&E) resort north of Ozark, Arkansas, on Arkansas Highway 23 (I-40 exit 35) – the world renown “Pig Trail Scenic Byway.” Located in the heart of the Ozark National Forest, MML&E boasts some of the darkest skies in Arkansas. MML&E also offers cabins, pull-through RV sites, and improved tent camp sites with water, electricity and showers. Virtually unlimited primitive campsites are also available with limited water and electricity, with no shower hookups. MML&E’s website is at: You may also contact MML&E by phone at 800-667-1919 or 479-667-1919 or email at for further information or to make reservations. Other lodging options are found in relatively nearby Ozark (20 minutes), Clarksville (40 mins.), and Van Buren (40 mins.).
Our friends at Arkansas – Oklahoma Astronomical Society are hosting the event, but CAAS is a heavy hitter in this event. Our own John Reed, Rocky Togni and Jim Fisher are slated to present papers at the conference on Saturday. In addition MARS/CAAS alum, astronomy instructor, writer and contributor Larry Session will deliver the key note address. AOAS has also asked if CAAS members are interesting in volunteering to manage the registration table. If you are interested, please send an email to AOAS President Dave Grosvold at and to Jim Fisher at
The MSRAL Conference 2011 also has a Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, please join the fun at