Join the Society

Membership in the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society brings you into a community that uniquely shares your interest in astronomy where you can build your knowledge and skills as an observer at the eyepiece, or in the armchair.  Membership also provides an opportunity to share your enthusiasm with the public as a volunteer in the State’s most active outreach program.  You will automatically become a member of the Astronomical league, alone a $25 value.  This qualifies you to participate in the League’s many observing programs and receive the League’s quarterly publication, the Reflector. You can participate in the CAAS email list, where members can share, help, and learn from one another, as well as participate in member-only activities and get help through a member’s mentoring program. As a member you can also use large telescopes available at the observatory and/or borrow a telescope to take home from our extensive lending library.

All memberships operate on a calendar year and come up for renewal on January 1. New members enjoy a prorated discount based on the quarter in which they join. For example, if you join in the first quarter you pay 100%, second quarter 75%, third quarter 50%, and finally fourth quarter 25%.

All membership levels cover the entire family and please note, all memberships end on December 31 and are due again for the next year on January 1. That is the reason for the discounted first year.

If you prefer to join in person, or via mail with a check, please print the form below and bring it to a meeting or mail to the address in the document with your discounted membership fee.

CAAS Membership Form in PDF Format
Review the CAAS Bylaws

Why do we use Zeffy?

Note that Zeffy will ask for a tip. Unlike PayPal, the tip is optional. You can change it.

Observatory Level Membership

Observatory members pay modestly higher dues to help support the observatories physical plant.  In exchange, they have personal access to the observatory buildings and club instruments, in addition to the clubhouse and grounds.  Observatory membership is for those who want to use the clubs instruments in their own observing programs, want the option of storing equipment on site (subject to additional fees and on a space available basis) or just want to do a bit more to support the Observatory.  Cost is $50 per year.

Sustaining Membership

For those who are willing and able to support the club with a $50 donation on top of their observatory level membership. This is a $100 payment of which $50 is tax-deductible.

Regular Membership

Regular members are full stakeholders with all the rights and privileges you would expect from membership in any Astronomical League member astronomy club (voting rights, subscription to the Reflector, access to member-only social media and email groups etc.) plus access to the River Ridge Observatory for personal observing at any time.  Cost is $35 per year.

Student Membership

Full time students, less than 30 years of age – includes observatory privilege – to include personal use (after six months) and free participation in RRT program. Cost is $30 per year.

There is no charge for students grades 9 through 12. If you fit that category, email us at treasurer.caasastro @ and we’ll get you set up.

Friends of CAAS

Friends are not members but can join the club’s email list where they can participate as if they were members, ask questions, get notice of public events and share in the discussions. Cost is $12 per year.

RRT Program

Starting 2020, all members can use the society’s Robotic Research Telescope.  RRT users submit observing requests and the RRT will prioritize and make those observations for the user at the earliest opportunity.   Secondary school educators can inquire about use here.