Welcome to CAAS’s Event Calendar. Here is a brief guide to our calendar of events:
Our Calendar labels events by type. “Club Events” are member-oriented, but most are open to the public. As with all events below, clicking on the event will show detailed information. Unless it is stated otherwise, visitors are welcome, and unless you are part of a large group, just show up.
The most common “Club Event” is the monthly club meeting. These occur at the Society’s observing site, the River Ridge Observatory, on the 2nd Saturday of each month. An optional meal precedes these meetings. You can RSVP ($7 adult, $5 child) here. Guests can expect a brief tour of our facilities, an indoor program of presentations of around an hour, and, if clear, observing afterward.
Some of our monthly club meetings are what we call Friends, Family, and Neighbors events. These have a more public visitor-oriented program and are typically focused on observing a celestial occurrence – lunar eclipse, meteor shower, etc.
Click here to learn more about our various Public Star Party program locations.
“Virtual” events, such as the Monthly Chat Sessions for Society members, are online Zoom events. If you think this would interest you as a guest, email info@caasastro.org to get an invite.
“Observing Events” are sometimes member-only events, but most are Public Star Parties. CAAS hosts Public Star Parties in various locations around central Arkansas and takes part in the Arkansas Natural Sky Association’s annual Dark-Sky Festival, which takes place in late September or early October each year. The Festival requires registration. Check ANSA’s website for more information. https://darkskyarkansas.org/
“Community Events” are events that CAAS participates in organized by other entities. As with all the event types above, more information can be found by clicking the event calendar entry.
Try using the “List” view to see all upcoming events in a more convenient format. If you have questions, email info@caasastro.org.