Submitted by John Reed, club president
October 12, 2002
October CAAS Meeting Notes
By John Reed
About 10 of us met on Saturday the 12th. After a quick cookout we adjourned to the classroom building and discussed several items of business. First and foremost of these items was the upcoming Carver Magnet school group that will be coming to the Property on October 29 (Tuesday) and November 5th (also Tuesday). Each time they will be bringing about 25 students to look through member’s telescopes. Please be sure and come if possible, especially if you have a scope you don’t mind using at a public starparty. Carver has requested rainout dates of October 28 and November 4.
There will be a Starparty for Conway School students on October 25, Friday. The Starparty will be held at Pinnacle Mountain State Park Visitor Center. There will be a picnic at the Main Park for the students (where the mountain trail-head is located), but the Starparty will be held at the Visitor Center. Food will be provided for club members providing scopes. Try to come if possible.
Carl Freyaldenhoven mentioned the upcoming Leonids Meteor Shower. It is possible that this year may be very active. Check this list for members who may be going to the property to view this shower. Also of note are the Orionids on October 21 with a rate of 20 per hour expected. Look for these showers after midnight for peak activity.
Finally Danny Flippo and John Reed gave a slide-show of their night shots taken during the past Okie-Tex Starparty held at the tip of the Oklahoma pan-handle the first week of October. Included were shots of the milky-way, aurora, and bolide metors.