Submitted by Lenny Bradberry
November 9, 2002
The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Chris Lasley. There were ten members present. An updated membership roster was passed out. Chris received a letter from the 9-1-1 office saying that our club’s new 9-1-1 address is now 45 West Southridge Road, Bigelow, AR 72016. There is a balance of $1708.81 in the checking account. The memorial fund hs $13,796.96 of which $463.62 is available for general use. Chris brought in some past newsletters and an AP800 mount description which he will leave in the club library for member use. Newsletters gave a lot of past history information about the club and its members. Chris and Carl Freyaldenhoven talked about past happenings and how the club evolved/functioned the past years that they could remember. A tentative schedule for the Scout group is December 7th. Carver School group date was pushed out into the Spring. Chris announced that the Christmas party will be at John & Carol Reed’s house. John wants to have a Board meeting on Dec 16th. Everyone is invited to attend. Nominations and election of officers for 2003 will be on the agenda. Anyone interested in becoming a club officer should attend the meeting or let one of the board members know to put you on the list of volunteers. A discussion of the web server ensued and comments were brought forth about what can be included on the server for member use and info. Terry Johnson brought up that the Leonids meteor shower will be peaking on the Nov 18/19. Anyone interested in doing an official meteor count should contact Terry for details and procedures. A discussion of light pollution in Arkansas was made by several members. Don Lewis brought up the question as to what the criteria is for member access to club facilities. Members must have paid up dues and if equipment is available, members must show competence in operation of equipment before observatory status is given. It was recommended by Chris that this discussion continue at the December board meeting. With no other topics for discussion, the meeting was adjourned.