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Saturday April 6 – Public Night and Regular Monthly Meeting at 7 PM, Board Meeting at 4 PM
Everyone, members and non-members, please join us at 7 PM for our regular monthly meeting, 6 PM if you are going to join us for the Supper Bowl. Also we’ll be having a board meeting from 4 PM to 6 PM. All members are encouraged to join us for the board meeting if they are interested in the growth of the group. The board meeting agenda will follow.
For the evening’s main event, Darrell Heath will present “Fast Radio Bursts: Mysteries from Deep Space”. Jim Dixon present the Constellation of the Month – Puppis.
During the board meeting we will discuss these topics from a long-term, non-detailed perspective from 4 p.m. to 5:30, then shift to shorter-term issues, such as next year’s meeting and event calendar until the Supper Bowl at 6 p.m.
1. Decide on a planning horizon (I suggest we think out 5 years–until the next total solar eclipse)
2. RRO grounds and facilities management
a. Buildings (Upcoming maintenance, improvements, replacement, etc.)
b. Grounds
c. Utilities (Septic system, well, etc.)
3. Outreach
a. Are we doing the right type and amount of outreach, and what can we improve?
b. How can we be more systematic processing outreach requests?
4. Membership benefits and programming
a. Recruiting
b. Retention–Are we providing the experience that people expect?
c. How do we encourage more observing, more Astronomical League program participation, and use of RRO?
5. 2024 Total eclipse
a. Subcommittee?
6. Additional items
As always, meetings of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society are open to the public.