On the morning of September 10th, we will have a River Ridge Observatory clean-up work party, 9 a.m. – Noon (Note: The time change from that previously announced). We will give the buildings some much needed TLC. Bring your work clothes, a snack and cold drinks or water. Priorities for the clean-up will be finishing the mowing in the parking area, organizing and inventorying the storage room, and re-organizing the classroom to accommodate our growing meeting attendance. A full scale work party is not necessary due to the efforts of several members in the past week to get caught up on the grounds maintenance.
River Ridge Observatory Work Party on September 10th
NOTE: The program for the meeting has changed. The previously announced program will be presented at a future meeting. The Work Party has been scaled back (due to the fine efforts of Wade Van Arsdale and Danny Flippo to get the grounds maintenance caught-up) and the hours moved to the morning. A smaller number of volunteers are needed, but all are welcome. We will concentrate on cleaning and organizing the two main buildings. The previously announced “Star”-B-Que has been cancelled due to stiff competition from the Razorbacks game. However, the regular meeting will go on as scheduled!