Please join CAAS at its August 2011 meeting on September 10th at 7 p.m. in the classroom on the grounds of the River Ridge Observatory. Please email if you need the link and password to the directions. After a short business meeting, Jim Fisher, in his role as Arkansas Chapter Leader for the International Dark-Sky Association, will give his now nearly famous and recently updated presentation “Protecting the Night Environment.” Jim will explain the causes, perils, and the very simple solutions to the environmental menace that is light pollution. Jim will also talk about the on-going efforts to pass a Nighttime Environment Protection Act in the Arkansas General Assembly.
The door prize for one lucky member or guest in attendance will be Discovering the Universe by Neil F. Comins and William F. Kaufmann, compliments of Larry Sessions.
Clouds permitting we will adjourn to the observing field for fun and fellowship under the Gibbous Moon and stars! We hope to see you there!