Please join CAAS at its August 2011 meeting on August 13th at 7 p.m. in the classroom on the grounds of the River Ridge Observatory. Please email, if you need the link and password to the directions. After a short business meeting, Rocky Togni and Bill Sanders will make a presentation on “Observing Meteors.”
Rocky and Bill will discuss how to observe meteors including when and techniques to see the most, how to record your observations so that they are technically valuable, and where to submit them. They will also present a short history of meteor observing, how to draw meteor trails, and earning the Astronomical League Meteor Award.
Rocky also recently visited the Meteor Crater in Arizona and will give a report on his visit.
Clouds permitting we will adjourn to the observing field for fun and fellowship under the Full Moon and possibly a Perseid meteor or two
! We hope to see you there!