Report from the CAAS Board meeting

The CAAS Board of Directors met on February 12th, just prior to the February monthly meeting.

The general topic of the meeting was River Ridge Observatory (RRO) grounds security and visitor safety with the aim of establishing a policy on who may access to the RRO grounds and buildings during non-meeting or event dates. The Board unanimously voted to change the main lock combinations. All dues paying CAAS members will be given the new combination.  The Board also voted to provide training to all members on the lock-up procedures and security policies.  The Board also left unchanged the policy that only members with “Observatory Status” may check out club owned equipment for personal use.  Also, President Jim Fisher announced the appointment of Vice-President Eric Walker as Observatory Chair.  Jim said that he will also ask Wade Van Arsdale and another non-Board member volunteer to the Observatory Committee. The Observatory Committee will be asked to develop future RRO grounds policies and make recommendations for maintenance and upgrades. The Board approved these appointments. The Board asked Jim to investigate the need for and cost of liability insurance.  Jim will make his report at the next Board meeting.  Jim – wearing his lawyer hat – asked that until a decision is made on liability insurance that no public events be held at the RRO.  If you are interested in serving on the Observatory Committee please email Jim at