Please join CAAS at its March 2011 meeting on March 12th at 7 p.m. in the classroom on the grounds of the River Ridge Observatory. Please email if you need the link and password to the directions. After a short business meeting, John Reed will make a presentation on “Astro-photography with an Off-The-Shelf DSLR Camera.”
Everyone who has followed the CAAS emails or website the past few years already knows that John Reed is an amazing astro-photographer. However, did you know John shoots those amazing photos with a store bought Canon DSLR camera? John will present a Power Point presentation on how he uses his DSLR camera to take wide field astro-photos. He will cover equipment, software (some of which is free) and his methods. John will also give a demonstration on the use of his new tracking apparatus.
Weather permitting we will adjourn to observing field for fun and fellowship under the stars and the First Quarter Moon!