Lunar and planetary observing and great fellowship under partly cloudy skies were the highlights of the September 2010 meeting of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society.
Meeting. A very brief formal meeting was called to order by President Carolaina Ferren at 7 p.m. In attendance were Samantha Dixon and dad Jim, Pat and Sandy Morris, Caroliana and Don Ferren, Carl Freyaldenhoven, Don Lewis, Andy Reed, Eric Walker, Kevin Krug, Jim Fisher, John Reed, new member Chris Echols (Welcome Chris!), and Jim Fisher. Bill Engberg arrived for the observing session.
Old business: Vice President Jim Fisher and Treasury Andy Reed reviewed the IRS Form 990-EZ and attempted to fill the last bits of information needed for the form before it can be filed in an effort to preserve CAAS’s status as 501( c ) (3) tax exempt organization. Andy took the form home and will complete it and then return it to Jim. Jim will then file it with the IRS before the extended October 15th deadline. Jim believes this will clean-up CAAS’s records with the IRS, preserve the club’s tax exempt status, and next May the club can file the much simpler 990 e-postcard for tax year 2010.
New business: No new business was discussed.
Upcoming Events (some per Rocky)
September 18 – Star Party at Pinnacle Mtn State Park.
September 17 Friday night. Petit Jean Mountain. Cub Scout Family weekend
September 26 Saturday Night. Camp Crossed Arrows near Floral. Girl Scout Camporee. Expecting over 100 with 70 girl scouts.
October 16 Saturday night. Pinnacle Mountain – Scout Troop from Jacksonville campout would like to see constellation study, telescope, sky navigation. No work toward Merit Badge.
Program: No program was scheduled, but all celebrated John Reed’s birthday with cake and ice cream on the deck. An “astronomical” themed birthday card (o.k., it was a cute cartoon bear dropping his drawers to show John his “moon”) was circulated for all to sigh and them given to John. Happy birthday, John!! The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.
Observing. After the meeting everyone hit the observing filed for views of a beautiful crescent moon, equally beautiful crescent Venus and later Jupiter with all four Galilean moon in a near perfect line. Other observing highlights included a bright pass of International Space Station and several doubles stars and Messier objects. Jim Dixon took several great photos of Snowberry Clearwing Moths during dusk. Kevin set up his Orion XT-8, Jim Fisher set up his Vixen 81mm ED refractor and Chris set up his 60mm refractor. Bill arrived with his new 24” truss Dobsonian, loaded in his trailer with a fresh brake job, ready for night under the stars. Just one problem, Bll forgot the keys to his trailer. So for one-night, Kevin’s humble bob and Jim and Chris’s diminutive refarctors kicked the butt of Bill’s monster dob. Good natured Bill was able to laugh about the situation knowing that years off good natured ribbing lay ahead when every keys will be misplaced at star parties.
Minutes merged from combined efforts of Jim Fisher and Bill Engberg