President John Reed called the meeting to order at 7 PM. About 15 members were in attendance.
John started with a casual discussion of “dark sky” options and the recent visit by an Arkansas Times reporter to CAAS.
About two weeks ago, the county was grading our road and damaged our gate. They’ve agreed to repair the gate but have not yet done so. They intend to replace the gate rather than just pay for the repairs.
John wanted to thank everyone who came to the work partyh last month to prepare the decks for treatment and the second bathroom.
Its the time of year for nominations for new officers and board members. The slate for the coming year is as follows:
President – Don Ferren
Vice President – Jim Fisher
Treasurer – Pat Morris
Secretary – Jim Dixon
Board Members:
Allen Lee
Don Lewis
Carl Freyaldenhoven
Rocky Togni
Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting in December.
Carver Magnet will be coming to CAAS on December 1 and 8 with a single rain date of December 15. Precise times will come later.
The meeting let out at 8:30.