Submitted by Jim Dixon
January 11, 2003
Don Lewis called the meeting to order. There were 18 attendees including, I think, 7 new members and 2 guests. Don welcomed the new members and guests.
Old business: Business cards – I presented some ideas that used the CAAS website logo seen at the left. Everybody seemed to like the vertical version but it was suggested that we incorporate the outline of the constellation of Cassiopiea into the design as it was a part of the old CAAS logo.
As it is the first month of the year, membership dues are due. The dues structure was discussed.
Don told us about the donation from the UALR planetarium of a number of videos. These cover a number astronomy related topics and will be available for member use.
Don outlined several presentations and topics for upcoming meetings. These included: Collimation, building digital setting circles, binocular astronomy, and CCD imaging for beginners.
Because large number of new members, Don provided a new member orientation including a tour of the facility.
Since the only thing of interest in the sky was a lunar halo, the meeting was informally adjourned after the facility tour.