Join CAAS and our friends at Pinnacle Mountain State Park for a free star party. Weather permitting, we’ll set up telescopes at the Visitor Center and share our passion. 9PM to 11 PM. This is a great family-friendly activity!
National Astronomy Day
Well, I was worried there for awhile that NAD would be clouded out and all our prep work, for the event would be for nought. As it turned out we must have add anywhere from 400 to 500 people show up for the afternoon and evening events! I met a lot of new folks who were excited about the night sky and more than just a few who were asking about joining the club or where they could sign up for beginning stargazing classes. Many of you probably chatted with them too.
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who gave so generously of your time to come out and volunteer, we wouldn’t be able to do this kind of successful outreach if not for you taking the time to meet the public and share with them your expertise.
It was a ton of fun and such a lovely setting for the event. Special thanks to Sandy Morris and Kay Sanders for helping out too. I also learned a lot about some of our native flowers from y’all so thanks for that as well!
Thanks to Pinnacle Mountain State Park and their staff for all of their work and time in helping us make these events a success.
Thank you to you folks who allowed yourselves to appear on camera for the next UALR Night Sky episode, I think Carl Jesse will do his usual fantastic job at editing all of that into a fine program that will show our club and its members at its very best. I’ll let you know as soon as it is completed, which should be some time during early June. In the meantime here is the latest episode I did on the 5 naked eye planets of May:
Clear Skies!