Messier Marathon at CAAS — Cancelled

Join CAAS members Saturday March 29, weather permitting, for a Messier Marathon observing sessions. Members will attempt to observe as many of the 110 Messier objects as possible. If you care to join us, bring warm clothing, snacks, and drinks. For more information email info at Members will be setting up before sunset.

Master Naturalist

Saturday evening, February 23rd, CAAS participated in the Pinnacle Mountain State Park Master Naturalist program. About 25 to 30 people attended. John Reed, Carl Freyaldenhoven, Rocky Togni, and Jim Dixon represented CAAS. It was totally cloudy so John used Stellarium to give them a tour of the virtual sky. The group was appreciative and seemed to really enjoy the evening even despite the weather.

Mars! Meeting! February 9! All members and interested visitors invited!

Our regular monthly meeting will be Saturday the 9th at 7 PM at River Ridge Observatory.

Our presentation will be on the planet Mars by Kyle Edwards and John Reed. Come enjoy the show as they try to debunk the recent proof of life on the Red Planet as evidenced in this remarkable photograph.

Martian Bigfoor

We will also discuss our involvement in the upcoming Master Naturalist program at Pinnacle Mountain State Park and hopefully enjoy some clear skies and moderate temperatures.

Depending on the response of members, there may be a potluck dinner beforehand. These are always unofficial and depend on the wishes of the members.

If you need directions to CAAS, please go here and then email to request the password to unlock the directions.