Friends, Family, and Neighbor’s Night RRO – August 12th
Dinner – 7:00 PM, Price $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for children (under 13). Looking for cooks to make summery dishes: Potato salad, slaw, summer salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet onion in V&O – I have this one), ice cream, ice tea, lemonade. Need cooks to grill burgers and dogs.
Activities: The below are things that have been suggested. However, for them to happen, someone needs to volunteer to take on each one. Got bean bags, bring them, got Booce Balls, bring them etc. Got another idea, let’s put it on the list.
- After Dark – Once it gets dark, the activities will pretty much be obvious, telescopic views, constellation tours, meteor watching – bring ground blankets, lounge chairs, binoculars, bug spray etc.
- Before Dark Adult
o Socializing
o Help with scope collimation, setup, finder alignment etc.
o Maybe a what’s up tonight presentation in the amphitheater at dusk?
- Before Dark Activities and Games for Adults and Children
o Bocce ball
o Bean Bag
o Giant Bubbles
o Stomp Rockets
o Rocket Balloons
o Astronomy Themed Trivia Contest
o Something from this activity guide