“Here’s the scoop on the LX200. I am the third owner. First purchased in North Carolina, I believe, then purchased by a gentleman in Jackson, TN. He is the person I purchased it from 7 or 8 years ago, I think. I have the original box it came in, but no hard case for transporting. I’m pretty sure it is an early to mid 90’s model. 10” SCT, fork-mounted, alt-az (no wedge), field tripod, 8×50 finder scope. Also comes with; hand controller (tantalum capacitors have been replaced in the hand controller only), 1 ¼” star diagonal, OTA cap, original manual (and a photocopied version that has been laminated for use onsite). I also ditched the original 18v power supply because of reported problems with the tantalum capacitors. I’m now running it off of a 16v regulated power supply. The focus was a little stubborn, so I installed a Peterson focuser kit. It is in very good shape. I have not had it out in the field for quite a long time. Last time I fired it up, everything worked as it should. The only thing I know that needs to be repaired is the bolt that holds the motor/fork assembly to the tripod. The keeper broke, so it does not want to stay in place when the fork is removed. I would like to get $800 for it, but I am open to offers.”
Tom can be reached at tom@914productions.com or hallumt@sbcglobal.net or 501 551 1621 (call or text).