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UPDATE: Monthly Meeting, 7 PM Saturday June 17 with Supper Bowl at 6 PM
Join us at 7 PM, Saturday June 17, for our regular monthly meeting. If you’d like a bite to eat, come at 6 PM for Supper Bowl ($6 per person) and please RSVP using the button below so we know how many to expect.
This month we will have a presentation by Dr. Miles Blanton from UALR and Dr. Jeff Robertson from Arkansas Tech University. UPDATE: Dr. Blanton’s talk will be rescheduled for a future meeting due to an unexpected obligation; we’ll look forward to hearing from him later this year. Dr. Robertson is still on tap for this meeting and we’ll also show an episode of BBC’s The Sky at Night, one of the longest running series in television history and always fascinating to watch.
If conditions allow there will be observing afterward.
As always, meetings of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society are open to the public.