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Saturday April 15 Regular Monthly Meeting at 7 PM, Supper Bowl at 6, Board Meeting at 4:30
Join us at 7 PM for our regular monthly meeting, 6 PM if you are going to join us for the supper bowl.
The presentation will be “The Molly Project” by Jim Dixon.
If conditions allow, there will be observing afterward.
As always, meetings of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society are open to the public.
SupperBowl price will be $6 each.
All members are welcome and encouraged to take ownership in their society and come to the board meeting at 4:30.
The agenda for the board meeting is as follows:
Opening Remarks Chair
Secretary’s Report (approve minutes of prior two meeting)
Treasurer’s Report
Financial update
Any alterations needed in budget
Membership Chair Report (optional)
Observatory Committee Report (optional)
Equipment Chair Report (optional)
RRT report (optional)
Old Business
New Business
What to do with free Eclipse glasses
Give some to members to distribute to schools of their choice and/or give them (or remainder) to teachers who attend the Hub event.
Authorize and price Coy’s equipment (Silent auction – with reserves at discretion of Treasurer)
Andrew’s request to purchase astronscan ($100 w/out eyepieces, $125 with)
Procedure to authorize equipment gift approval and sale
Draft Resolution
Proposed Amended Calendar Policy
2017 Calendar – amendments
Two Hub events
2018 Calendar
Review proposed 2018 calendar for errors and oversight
Where to do the Persiedes meteor shower Buffalo River or RRO or both
What to do about scout programing – if anything (Bruce)
BRNP programing – when and how many – See proposed calendar for potential dates
Nat. Cons.?