The April meeting of CAAS will be 7:00pm April 11 at River Ridge Observatory. Stephen Caldwell will explain the RRO RRT (River Ridge Observatory Robotic Research Telescope). Then Jeff Robertson will present “Observing Variable Stars with Automated Telescope”. Jeff and Bruce have done some outstanding work in this area bringing notoriety to our club and Observatory. This is an exciting time for our Club with the Mid States Region Astronomical League (MSRAL) convention coming up in late May and a lot of activities between now and then. Lots of opportunity to get involved if you like. As always the meeting is free and open to all with an interest in astronomy, member or not.
Carl Freyaldenhoven is bringing his delicious Taco Soup for the supper bowl at 6:00 PM. Please use the RSVP button above to let us know you will be eating with us.
If you need directions, contact us at