2014 is supposed to be a Solar Maximum year with aurora’s and stormy weather on the sun. But things don’t seem to be working out and just like global warming is failing to live up to expectations, so is the sun this year. Maybe there is a correlation here. Darrell Heath, CAAS President, will give a presentation this month on our closest and most important star. Rocky Togni will give a Dead Astronomer Bio on Edward Emerson Barnard.
Supper Bowl at 5 PM – jambalaya, shrimp, chicken and anduie sausage (no beef coy)(please RSVP online by noon Sat. if possible – there is usually plenty but it helps us decide whether to panic or not).
The Messier Marathon has been rescheduled for March 28/29.
Please note that this will be the last 6PM meeting until November as the following we will spring forward to Daylight Savings Time.