Mayan Doomsday Event

Join CAAS at the River Ridge Observatory the afternoon of Friday, December 21st, for what will likely be your last good time on this planet.  Self-trained Mayan Prophecy expert Bill Engberg will set up Ardent, possibly Arkansas’ largest solar telescope, to observe the Sun in anticipation of the coming cataclysm.
10:00 Set up ( for Bill and anyone wishing to join early)
12:00-15:00 Solar Observing
15:00 flexible PPT presentation (time is flexible if some big group/TV/etc wants it moved , i.e. after 5pm)
17:00-22:00 Night Observing of eye candy list: Jupiter / Uranus / Neptune / 1/2 Moon all up

Average Temp spread for 21 Dec (50 F) at noon and (30’s) at night