Monthly Meeting this coming Saturday Night at 7 PM

This Saturday at 7:00 PM is CAAS’ monthly meeting and we would like to invite you to come and hang out with us. Also, April 12 is Yuri’s Night, the 51st anniversary of manned space flight. All over the world Yuri’s Night is being celebrated to commemorate this flight and promote space exploration. This year their are 213 events in 51 countries. Our event isn’t registered but we will celebrate the Space Race at our monthly meeting on April 14th. CAAS member Rocky Togni will present a history of the Space Race using Space Stamps to step through one of this most dynamic periods of human history. There will be space stamps for any kids (and also any large space kids) who are interested. After the presentation, and skies permitting, we will adjourn to the observing field for a little stargazing with telescopes. Come on out and join us! To get directions just drop us a line at