On October 29thCAAS invades beautiful Woolly Hollow State Park, under dark skies near Greenbrier, Arkansas, for our final public event of the year – the “Halloween Tricks or Celestial Treats” star party! Costumes are welcome, but NO FACE PAINT PLEASE. CAAS members will have plenty of candy for the ghosts and ghouls. The fun starts just before sunset (7:26 p.m.) and runs until 10 p.m. The planet Jupiter will be at its closest point in its orbit to earth until 2022 on the evening of the star party and will put on a great show!
Meeting place: Swim Beach. As with all CAAS star parties the admission is free!
At the conclusion of the “Halloween Tricks or Celestial Treats” star party, CAAS will hold the drawing for a Bushnell ARES 5” Compact Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope Optics Planet Edition to be awarded to one lucky attendee at one of the last three CAAS star parties in 2011! The telescope was donated to CAAS by OpticsPlanet.net and retails for $159.99. http://www.opticsplanet.net/bushnell-dob-5-compact-truss-tube-dobsonian-telescope-opticsplanet-edition.html
The telescope contest is open to all star party guests with a limit of one entry per star party. No purchase is necessary. Members of CAAS, employees of the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism and their immediate family members are ineligible. The drawing will be held near the conclusion of the October 29th Woolly Hollow event (approximately 10 p.m.) or at the November 12th monthly meeting of CAAS in the event of a cancellation. The winner need not be present to win and will be notified the following day if not in attendance for the drawing.