Minutes from the March 2011 Meeting

by Bill Engberg

—- All lock Combos have been changed !!! —-

Contact Andy Reed andy.reed72@gmail.com and if you’ve paid 2011 dues, you’ll be given the new gate/bathroom combo.

Photographing Diamonds in the Sky

A great night at CAAS was had by all. John Reed gave an amazing Presentation with a ton of pictures and instruction on how to use a regular camera to do Astrophotography! It was an AMAZING lesson and images. Thank you for sharing such a great and teachable talent!
Andy Reed our heroic Treasurer has built a Google Checkout function that will soon be implemented on the website by Jim Dixon, to receive donations, dues and payments…waaaay faster than mailing checks!
Sandy Morris garnered many accolades when she recommended we have our new Mailbox put up next to our gate… in case Guests/Emergency/Green Martians are ever looking for our property address.
Wade Van Arsdale is putting up the mailbox and leading the spring clean up with Juan’s Lawns who will do the annual “heavy” grounds keeping on Monday. Please come up and help them, Monday.

-Who else was at the Meeting?

Visitors: Susan Staffeld (our heroine from PMSP!), Roger Gray (first time visitor)…welcome!

Paul Deeter
Jim and Samantha Dixon
Don and Carolaina Ferren
Jim Fisher
Carl Freyaldenhoven
Roger Gudith
Ernie & children William and Ayla Justice
Allen Lee
Don Lewis
Pat and Sandy Morris
Andy Reed
John and Carol Reed
Coy Scott
Chris Spotts (first time visitor and New Member…welcome!)
Wade Van Arsdale
Eric Walker
Bill Engberg…your humble club scribe.

-Upcoming Events (as always, see website for updates/directions)

· Mar 25th, (Friday) West field of PMSP is having an impromptu Star gazing event. Telescopes are welcome! Check the website for some other great events coming up in the next 2 weeks www.arkansasstateparks.com/pinnaclemountain/

· Mar 26th – Woolly Hollow State Park Star Party, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. – our first public event of 2011!

· Apr 9th – CAAS Monthly Meeting at River Ridge Observatory, 7 p.m.

· Apr 29th, (Friday) – Star party for Japanese science students’ tour group at Pinnacle Mountain State Park, 7 p.m.

· May 7th – National Astronomy Day at Pinnacle Mountain State Park, 2 p.m. – 10 p.m.

· May 14th – CAAS Monthly Meeting at River Ridge Observatory, 7 p.m.

· May 20th – 22nd – Mid-States Region of the Astronomical League conference and star party at Mulberry Mountain Lodging and Events resort, Ozark, Arkansas

Blue Skies
Factotum of the Interstellar Medium, Club Scribe, Bard of the Bolides… 🙂