Minutes from the Feb 2011 Meeting

by Bill Engberg

—- All lock Combos have been changed !!! —-

Contact Andy Reed andy.reed72@gmail.com and if you’ve paid 2011 dues, you’ll be given the new gate/bathroom combo.

Ruby in the Sky

Like bears coming out of hibernation, the snows had melted and the meeting was perfectly timed. The grounds were clear & dry and the Feb meeting was a great time to share with a new visitor who also showed up.

It was a pleasure to meet Dr Eric Kaufmann who spoke about the upcoming Science Olympiad and gave out great info about the one day event coming up on  April 16, 2011.  “We need between 2 and 4 people to help write the tests and/or supervise these “astronomy” portions of the competition.” Carl Freyaldenhoven volunteered to help and we hope to get 1-2 more volunteers for the hour long test. Contact erkaufmann@ualr.edu for more info or to volunteer.

Rocky Togni was a hit with his excellent program “Constellation Hunter” regarding techniques and mnemonic aids to remembering the locations and names of the constellations. They are AWESOME and his work can be downloaded from the CAAS site http://tinyurl.com/4quqoes

Only a few wispy clouds in the sky and it was relatively warm (About 50 degrees) compared to the last 2 weeks of Arkansas deep freeze. Spring will be here for the next meeting! Quite a few folks set up their scopes. The telescope MVP of the evening was Paul Deeter who set up his brand new Astro-Tech refractor telescope.

Once again the theory was proven that “Every time you are star gazing, you’ll see something you’ve never seen before or learn something you never knew.” MVP Paul pointed out the most brilliant red, and I mean RED like a Ruby, “carbon star” just below Orion. Most of the folks there had never seen such deep red, in any previous star. I’ve seen the orange-colored “red giant stars,” but compared to this carbon star, I’m now referring to those wannabees as Orange Giants.

-Who else was at the Meeting?

Many people enjoyed the evening’s tales and observations of the heavens:

Dr Eric Kaufmann (visitor)

Susan Staffeld from Pinnacle Mountain State Park (visitor)

Jim Fisher

Rocky and Carol Togni

Coy Scott

Carl Freyaldenhoven

Jim Dixon

Paul Deeter

John Reed

Roger Gudith

Bill Sanders

and me…your humble scribe

-Upcoming Events (as always, see website for updates/directions)

Mar 12th– 7pm CAAS Meeting

Mar 26th – Star Party at Woolly Hollow State Park Sunset: 7:26  Highlights:  Saturn, spring Galaxies /Nebula (No evening moon) w/DARK Skies!

Apr 9th – 7pm CAAS Meeting

Apr 16th – Science Olympiad

Apr 29th (Friday) – Japanese students and guests (about 30 total) return for a Star Party at Pinnacle Mtn State Park (–West Field–) Contact billengberg@hotmail.com  if questions. Please come and bring your scope, it is a fantastic event!
Blue Skies
Club Scribe