Despite stiff competition from the Star Party formerly known as the Burger Burn (hosted by our friends with the Red River Astronomy Club), the LRAFB Air Show, and the Razorbacks game against Texas A&M game, the October meeting will take place at the River Ridge Observatory on Saturday evening, October 9, 2010, at 7 p.m.
New member Chris Echols has volunteered to give a presentation on Jupiter’s most intriguing satellite Europa and the possibility that it may harbor life. Afterwards – clouds permitting – the observing field should hum with excitement as Comet Hartley 2 cruises past the Double Cluster.
Per our somewhat new tradition all are welcome for an informal and non-mandatory meet-up dinner and fellowship at the Blue Coast Burrito restaurant at 14810 Cantrell Rd Little Rock at 5:30. After dinner we will caravan to the meeting for new members’ and first time vistors’ benefit.
Come join the fun!