Minutes from the April 2010 Meeting

by Bill Engberg

Manicured Viewing

The Apr meeting was really fun.

-Pat and Sandy Morris put on a great demo of how Reflectors, Refractors and Solar telescopes work, using the great kits supplied by N.A.S.A. / J.P.L. / Night Sky Network.

-Thin layer of few clouds stuck around until 10pm, but after that, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky until 4 a.m.

Thank you Wade for having the hired crew clear all the debris and growth from around the site and mowing everything. The place looked as manicured as a Japanese Garden!

We had 3 guests:

Gary Anderson (UALR instructor), Deborah Brown and her son Adam Brown.

Hope to see you back!

-Who else was at the Meeting?

A bunch of people were here tonight: Andy Reed, Don and Carolaina Ferren, Carl Freyaldenhoven, Pat and Sandy Morris, Jim Fisher, Bill Sanders, John Reed and me…your humble scribe.

-DUES / Donations via PayPal

Andy Reed (Treasurer) sent in all the paperwork …and the PayPal bureaucrats are now happy… just in time for the Apr Star Party!

You may send PayPal payments/donations to: Treasurer@caasastro.org

P.S. I just did a test payment and it worked!

People can still mail a check to our treasurer:   Andy Reed, 312 Maranes Circle, Maumelle, AR  72113

-Upcoming Events

23 Apr – Central High Camp Out needs telescopes to help amaze 50 people and get them hooked on Science! The event is at their practice field.

24 Apr – National Astronomy Day (Pinnacle Mtn. State Park)

Time: 2:00 pm

Discover astronomy with members of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society and Pinnacle Mountain State Park. Activities include solar viewing in the afternoon, special indoor programs, and viewing through telescopes from 9-10 p.m. Clouds permitting, the evening’s telescopic sights include several planets, the moon and other celestial objects. This is a great family-friendly activity!

08 May – Monthly Mtg 7pm

12 June – Monthly Mtg 7pm, coincides with PMSP Star Party 9pm   (…maybe combine?)

Blue Skies
Club Scribe
C130 Hercules driver,  M13 Hercules globular cluster chaser