President Don Ferren called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 31 members and visitors in attendance.
Don presented an article from the periodical Emerald City about a recent conjunction of the Moon and Venus featuring a picture by Rocky Togni.
Don then showed a banner that Carolaina has created for the International Year of Astronomy (2009). It was very well made and is a gift for CAAS to use in our public events. Thank you, Carolaina!
Upcoming events:
- For the April 11 meeting, we will have the Master Naturalist group visit us. We will give them an introductory class in astronomy and hopefully be able to show them the sky.
- National Astronomy Day is May 2 this year and as always we will be at Pinnacle Mountain State Park.
Pat Morris gave the Treasurer’s Report.
Jim Fisher then gave us a presentation that he and Wade put together for the Arkansas Section of the International Dark-Sky Association entitled “Protecting the Night Environment”. Jim was kind enough to allow CAAS to include it on our web-site.
The meeting was adjourned and the group moved outdoors to enjoy the night sky.