February Meeting moved to 2/21/2009!

To accommodate all the many romantics in CAAS, the regular monthly meeting has been moved to February 21st, 7 p.m. at the River Ridge Observatory, thus avoiding a conflict with Valentine’s Day.   The highlight of this month’s meeting will be the “World Premiere” (black tie optional!) of “Protecting the Night Environment;” – a Power Point presentation on the dangers to the environment from light pollution (not just astronomy) and how to combat it .  The presentation is will be given by CAAS Vice-President and International Dark-Sky Association, Arkansas Section (IDA-AR) Leader Jim Fisher and IDA-AR Vice-Section Leader Wade Van Arsdale.   Jim has designed the show to be simple and available for any IDA-AR volunteer to present to a civic or school group so that we can start spreading the word about the need for quality outdoor lighting in Arkansas.   

After the meeting we hope the skies will cooperate for observing. We have invited our friends and neighbors that attended the February 9th meeting of the Perry County Quorum Court to join us.  Please bring your scope and laser pointer and help show them the wonders of the (dark) night sky!

Did somebody say “Potluck”? ‘Nuf said; sounds like a great time. 

The schedule for the evening:
600 – 7:00: Potluck
7:00 – 8:00: Regular Meeting
8:00 – 10:00: Observing

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