President Don Ferren called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 12 members and 20 visitors in attendance. Boy scout troop 770 from Jacksonville was camping at CAAS today.
New Business:
- It is January so annual dues are now due. You can mail your sue to the treasurer, Pat Morris, and you can download the membership form from this website which gives you an opportunity to update your address and such.
- Next month, the meeting will be moved the the 21st to avoid a conflict with Valentine’s Day.
- The “100 Hours of Astronomy” project in April to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s discovery of the moons of Jupiter was mentioned and covered earlier in this website.
- Pinnacle Mountain State Park has requested assistance with more group oriented public events.
- A work party has been scheduled for the day of the next meeting 2/21/2009.
- The French Camp Star Party in Mississippi is scheduled for the first week of April.
- The Mid-States Region of the Astronomical League (MSRAL) convention will be in early March.
- Wade talked about the Perry County Quorum Court Light Zone project. PCQC is amenable to the proposal but many lights in the county are not under their control.
Rocky and Don gave a virtual sky tour and an explanation of eclipes to help the visiting boy scouts with their merit badges.
The meeting adjourned at about 8:30.