CAAS membership brings you into a community that uniquely shares your interest in astronomy where you can build your knowledge and skills as an observer at the eyepiece, or in the armchair. Membership also provides an opportunity to share your enthusiasm with the public as a volunteer in the State’s most active outreach program. You will automatically be a member of the Astronomical league, alone a $25 value. This qualifies you to participate in the League’s many observing programs and receive the League’s quarterly publication, the Reflector. You can participate in the CAAS email list, where members can share, help, and learn from one another, as well as participate in member-only activities and get help through a member’s mentoring program.
All membership levels cover the entire family and please note, all memberships end on December 31 and are due again for the next year on January 1. Please note that the membership fee for high school students has been waived but there is no way to have a zero dollar amount in the drop down below so please email the treasurer at to renew your membership.
If you prefer to join in person, or via mail with a check, please make the check payable to “CAAS” and mail to Jim Dixon, 11805 Birchwood Dr, Little Rock, AR 72211.
Pick your membership level from the options below.
Note that Zeffy will ask for a tip. Unlike PayPal, the tip is optional. You can change it.