CAAS hosted 15 scouts and scouters from Troop 770 of Sherwood on Saturday night, April 28 at River Ridge Observatory. We were treated to outstanding weather. There were lots of oohs and aahs as the waxing gibbous moon, Saturn, and Venus were introduced to them. Several double stars, M3, and M35 were also observed through scopes and binoculars Donald Ferren, Jim Dixon, Pat and Sandy Morris, and Coy Scott provided scopes and expertise. Some of the boys and adults learned to use a dob. Stacy Edwards and Don Lewis provided support and took pictures. Rocky Togni worked on the Merit Badge and constellations with 9 boys in the troop. The boys sketched the western sky and then plotted where Venus was as one of the Merit badge requirements. They also sketched the position of the Big and Little dippers in the evening and again at 5:00 am. The Troop treated several CAAS members to a steak supper. During the afternoon the troop worked on wood tools and building fires. They also cleaned up the burn pile and mowed the Western half of the property. Rocky Togni and Donald Ferren camped out with them.
The whole troop arose at 5:00 am (a struggle for some of us) to see Jupiter, Mars, the Milky Way without the moon, and a whole new set of constellations. Several even caught a meteor. The troop was very appreciative and hinted that they might like to do this again sometime if possible.
By Rocky Togni