Public Star Party – Pinnacle Mountain – This Saturday!

Pinnacle Mountain State Park & CAAS will host a public star party this Saturday evening (September 15) from 8-10 p.m. This event is free, and an excellent opportunity to bring the family out and enjoy a fun evening of astronomy!   Telescopes will be set up in the Visitor Center parking lot. Park staff will turn off the parking lot lighting so all can enjoy the dark (and hopefully clear!) sky. Hope you can join us!

August 11 and 18, 2007

CAAS Members and friends

We had a busy July with a meeting at the CAAS property and two outings at Wooly Hollow and Pinnacle Mountain.

August won’t be far behind. For our regular meeting scheduled for August 11, we will have a star gazing and meteor gazing evening starting at 8:00 pm. Plan on staying late to see the Perseids, all night if you like. There is a new moon on the 12th so there should be plenty of good star gazing with and without a telescope before the Perseids get going good.

August 18 will be another star Party at Pinnacle Mountain visitor center. We will have a short business meeting at 7:00 pm at the visitor center. John Reed will host a Planetarium show using Stellarium from 7:30 to 8:30 and we will start observing at 8:30. We will have a nice 6 day old moon and Jupiter to keep us busy until the stars come out.

Rocky Togni

CAAS President 2007