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Our next public event will be our January meeting which is open to the public. This will be on January 28th at 6PM.

On December 10th at 6 PM, we will have our annual meeting at Bruce McMath’s house. This is our only meeting of the year that is members only as we hold elections and there is no presentation.

Saturday November 26 Regular Monthly Meeting at 6 PM, Supper Bowl at 5

CAAS Monthly Meeting
Join us on November 26th at 6 PM for our regular monthly meeting, 5 PM if you are going to join us for the supper bowl. With the end of Daylight Savings Time we’re moving the meeting up so as to not waste an hour of darkness.

We will have an informative presentation  and observing afterward if conditions allow.

As always, meetings of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society are open to the public.

SupperBowl will be at 5PM. Price will be $6 each.

SupperBowl RSVP Button