Once a year, in February, CAAS has an event at our River Ridge Observing site, located about forty minutes west of Little Rock north of Lake Maumelle, for individual boys and girls 8th through 12th grade who are pursuing an astronomy-related merit badge. The next will be February 22 nd. or 23 rd., 2018.
The program consists of a site tour, lectures and demonstrations intended to cover most of the items necessary to a relevant merit badge, followed by observing, if clear. Attendance is limited.
Registrants are expected to do some preparatory work and hold open both nights on their calendars. The event is held on only one night but blocking two nights doubles the chance of getting a clear sky. If both nights are clouded out, the lecture and demonstration program will proceed on the second night, and the youngsters will be given observing lists to take home so they can complete the program on their own later. If needed, attendees can get help completing the observing portion of the program by attending any subsequent CAAS star party or attending one or more monthly club meeting nights at the RRO, which BTW, are always open to the public.
This program is intended for individuals with a particular interest in astronomy and we ask each attendee to register separately. This facilitates more efficient communication in distributing program materials and updating people about weather, which can involve last-minute messaging. It also helps to assure a group that is really interested in the topic. Troops are encouraged to attend our public star parties held at Pinnacle Mtn. and Wooley Hollow state parks. The Wooley Hollow event is typically less crowded. If we have advance notice we might be able to work in a special segment for an attending troop.
Thanks for the interest. We love scouts.
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