Relisting Celestron Evolution C8 without 2″ Diagonal.
- Celestron Evolution – Scope purchased used from OPT telescopes about a year ago. OTA – Optics and scope are clean and I really don’t think it was ever used very much. Views are great. Evolution mount works well with pendant and I’ve used it with Stellarium. I never could get a consistent sync with the wifi and my phone. I blamed it on my old phone. $1300
Includes Meade Focal Reducer, Sync cord scope to computer, 1.25″ diagonal, power cord, red dot finder, 25mm and 10 mm eyepieces, Celestron solar filter, homemade case
- Astrozap Dew Shield for Evolution 8″ $75
Celestron 8 SCT Flexi-Heat™ Heated Flexible Dew Shield – with Side Bar Notch – SKU# AZ-817
- Adapter for Celestron T adapter and T Ring for Canon DSLR. $30
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Rocky Togni