CAAS Board Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Lenny Bradberry, club secretary

July 13, 2002

A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on July 13, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. at the River Ridge Observatory. Members present were President John Reed, Treasurer Chris Lasley, Secretary Lenny Bradberry, and Trustees David Reynolds, Thomas Baskins, Carl Freyaldenhoven, Pat Morris and Sandy Morris. Chris gave a summary of the club’s money market account. It was agreed to transfer the present money market account to an ING account paying three percent.

John Reed outlined the main issues to be addressed by the board. They are as follows:
(1) Plan what maintenance needs are to be completed at the facility; (2) Discuss potential candidates for president and club officers for next year; (3) Determine usage and disposition of empty buildings; (4) What is future use for the mount that isn’t being used?; (5) Do we continue with Yahoo website or create our own?; (6) What about doing a club brochure?; (7) Clubhouse bunker project; (8) Treasurer’s Report; (9) Trust Fund; and (10) Do we want to stay in the Astronomical League?. Discussions followed the President’s recommended agenda. Thomas Baskins asked whether we needed to buy a reflector for the six-inch mount. Chris suggested that we ought to look at purchasing an SCT optical tube or similar piece of equipment that is rugged, yet user-friendly. Chris said that he would be vacating the building that he is presently using for his CCD work. Chris said that our account presently has $2327.73 in the account of which approximately $1600.00 is available for purchasing needs. It was also urged by the board that members need to be reminded that all delinquent dues are now due. Chris will send a letter of reminded to all members whose membership dues are not current. It was approved by the board to spend no more than $1000.00 for the optical tube setup. Chris and David volunteered to be the committee to research options and recommend an option(s). A discussion followed on next year’s officer election and what leadership is needed to keep the club going. Anyone having suggestions for nomination are encouraged to contact any board member before year-end. It was suggested that new people with varied experience are needed on the board. John made a motion that the club divest itself from the Astronomical League due to problems experienced in our club. Chris seconded. The members
voted to stay in the AL. It was thought that the benefits outweighed the problems experienced currently. Pat Morris made a motion to drop the Yahoo website. David Reynolds seconded. It was approved to drop the Yahoo site and develop our club’s own website. Chris and David will be the committee to oversee and develop our site. We can buy a domain for $35.00 per year. Club publications, newsletters, photographs, etc. will be able to be posted on the site by each member. The new site address will be: Carl Freyaldenhoven will be responsible for the club brochure. Some of the maintenance issues we discussed. We need to paint the 6-inch mount building, replumb the pump house and seal the well, fix the bathroom, put gravel in the driveway, clean/trim the trees on the south side of the property, and have three RV/trailer hookups available for group use. Of those listed it was agreed that the priority needed would be as follows: (1) Paint 6-inch building, (2) Fix bathroom; (3) Seal the well; (4) Trim the trees on the south side; (5) Bunk house project; (6) Gravel driveway and (7) Paint roof of old building. John motioned to adjourn the meeting. Lenny seconded.

CAAS Monthly Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Donna Bradberry

March 9, 2002

The meeting was called to order by John Reed, President. There were 14 members present and five guests. David Reynolds showed a short film of a 1902 science fiction movie about a trip to the moon. Pat & Sandy Morris talked about the Feb 23rd Mabelvale Boy Scouts merit badge observing program held at the observatory. The Scouts were very appreciative and they said that a certificate to the club would be sent. It was noted that a meteor shower was the “spark” that got the troop interested in astronomy. A NLR group will be coming to the observatory on March 21st for an observing session. Volunteers are needed. March 23rd is the date for the Pinnacle Mountain Star Party. The 4-H group wants to reschedule their rained-out observing session on April 19th at their facility. This year’s Messier Marathon will be held on Saturday, March 16th. Chris Lasley has posted several e-mails inviting the club members to join the Nashville, AR. Red River Astronomy Club (RRAC) in their fundraising efforts at their site in conjunction with the Messier Marathon. A hamburger dinner with trimmings will be available for $6. More detailed info and directions to the RRAC site are posted on the club’s web site for this event. The River Ridge Observatory will be open (weather permitting) for those members who will not be going to the RRAC fund-raiser. April 20th is National Astronomy Day and events are planned at the Pinnacle Mountain Visitors Center from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. Chris Lasley, Treasurer, gave the financial report. The club property has been reassessed and fees have been increased to $170 per year. CAAS is a nonprofit organization. Tax benefits may be claimed in some cases. Members are urged to contact their tax advisors about deductions. It was noted that some members are not receiving the Reflector magazine that is sent out by the AL.
An updated list will be sent to the League to bring the subscription
to date. July 31st is the scheduled date for the National convention to be held in Salt Lake City. Contact John Reed if you are interested in attending. The Mid-States Regional Astronomical League convention will be held in Siloam Springs, AR., June 7-9.

CAAS Monthly Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Donna Bradberry

February 10, 2002


The meeting was opened by President John Reed. There were eleven members present. John informed the members of the upcoming Star Party at French Camp, MS in April. More info on this outing will be available at a later date. The schedule for the School outings has not been set up yet. One will be forthcoming. Chris Lasley recommended that due to problems with the Chat room that it be discontinued. The members voted to discontinue the Chat room.
John talked about a trip to the Star Hill Inn, NM on June 12-14. Reservations are recommended. More details will be posted at a later date. Chris will be sending out notices that 2002 membership dues are to be paid by the members. Chris volunteered to be the
club’s ALCOR representative in the Astronomical League. Mid-States regional meeting will be held this June in Siloam Springs, AR. Details will be posted. Chris reported on the financial status of the club as of year-end 2001. Any member wanting a detailed financial report should contact Chris. A discussion as to what the club’s plan for the 6-inch building was tabled. Several suggestions were brought up but nothing definite was agreed to. With no further business, the members adjourned to view some celestial sights for the rest of the evening.
Club Officers for 2002 are as follows:

President: John Reed
Vice-President: Open
Treasurer: Chris Lasley
Secretary: Lenny Bradberry
Programs: David Reynolds
Board Members: Carl Freyaldenhoven
Thomas Baskins