CAAS Monthly Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Donna Bradberry

February 10, 2002


The meeting was opened by President John Reed. There were eleven members present. John informed the members of the upcoming Star Party at French Camp, MS in April. More info on this outing will be available at a later date. The schedule for the School outings has not been set up yet. One will be forthcoming. Chris Lasley recommended that due to problems with the Chat room that it be discontinued. The members voted to discontinue the Chat room.
John talked about a trip to the Star Hill Inn, NM on June 12-14. Reservations are recommended. More details will be posted at a later date. Chris will be sending out notices that 2002 membership dues are to be paid by the members. Chris volunteered to be the
club’s ALCOR representative in the Astronomical League. Mid-States regional meeting will be held this June in Siloam Springs, AR. Details will be posted. Chris reported on the financial status of the club as of year-end 2001. Any member wanting a detailed financial report should contact Chris. A discussion as to what the club’s plan for the 6-inch building was tabled. Several suggestions were brought up but nothing definite was agreed to. With no further business, the members adjourned to view some celestial sights for the rest of the evening.
Club Officers for 2002 are as follows:

President: John Reed
Vice-President: Open
Treasurer: Chris Lasley
Secretary: Lenny Bradberry
Programs: David Reynolds
Board Members: Carl Freyaldenhoven
Thomas Baskins

CAAS Monthly Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Dean Williams

October 13, 2001


In attendance were Carina Reeves, Max Bryant, Chris Lasley, Carl
Freyaldenhoven, David Reynolds, John Reed, Dean Williams, Brian
Mitchell and Mark Wilson.

The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $2,628.19. It was noted that two land payments remain for 2001. The electicity bill has been averaging between $17 to $22. The Barrington Memorial Fund has a balance of $13, 603.06, and has earned $269.72 since 1/1/2001.

Chris brought up possible uses for the general fund, including paying down the land note, moving the money to a better interest-bearing account, and purchasing an optical tube for the refractor building. It was decided to continue to research these possibilities.

Dean discussed the need for helpers at the Oct. 20 star party for
about 400 Cub Scouts and their fathers. This will be at the scout
camp near Damascus. Dean and others will be there by noon, and
observe the sun during the day. We will be provided with dinner and breakfast. Observers can either come with provisons for sleeping with the telescopes, or it is only an hour from Little Rock if anyone wants to return home. The star party should complete before 10:30.

Carver Magnate shool will have star parties at the observatory on
11/6 with a rain date of 11/8, and also on 11/13 with a rain date of 11/15.

A home-school group has asked us to provide a star party on 11/26, 11/27 and 11/29. This will be at the 4-H center at Ferndale.

Lakewood Middle School will probably be out one night during the
first week of December.

A Pinnacle Mountain star party is set for 11/30, but this is near
full moon, so there is probably no need for telescopes. The staff
there will be conducting a “moon walk” night-hike.

The Leonid meteor shower will peak the night of Saturday, 11/17. We plan to gather for observing at the observatory. It was noted that there is a chance for a meteor storm this year, and the moon phase is favorable.

Carina related that she will host the annual holiday party at her
house near Alexander. December 8 was chosen as an initial target

A boy scout troop from Conway will be camping overnight at the
observatory on 11/3. This is a Saturday near full moon. They will
arrive around 2:00 p.m. and hike to the river. We will provide a
star party after dark.

The first weekly CAAS chat session was held on our yahoo-groups web site on 10/11. These chats are now scheduled for each Thursday night from 8 to 9 p.m. Refer to

Mark Wilson brought a program on satellite observing, with emphasis on the new satellite “club” from the Astronomical League.