Saturday November 14 – Public Night and Regular Monthly Meeting at 6 PM

CAAS Monthly Meeting banner


NOTICE: Due to COVID 19, this will be a virtual meeting held using Zoom.  If you are a member, you will be sent information on how to log into the meeting. If you are not a member, please email so that we can send you the necessary information to let you join the meeting.

With the end of Daylight Savings Time, the meeting and public night will move from 7 to 6 PM.  Dr. Tony Hall from UALR will speak on “The Evolution of Stars” and Joseph Musgrove will present the Constellation of the Month – Orion.

The Zoom meeting details will be sent to all members before the meeting and if you would like to attend but aren’t a member, email us at 

Members are still welcome to come to site on any clear night.




