CAAS Monthly Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Donna Bradberry

February 10, 2002


The meeting was opened by President John Reed. There were eleven members present. John informed the members of the upcoming Star Party at French Camp, MS in April. More info on this outing will be available at a later date. The schedule for the School outings has not been set up yet. One will be forthcoming. Chris Lasley recommended that due to problems with the Chat room that it be discontinued. The members voted to discontinue the Chat room.
John talked about a trip to the Star Hill Inn, NM on June 12-14. Reservations are recommended. More details will be posted at a later date. Chris will be sending out notices that 2002 membership dues are to be paid by the members. Chris volunteered to be the
club’s ALCOR representative in the Astronomical League. Mid-States regional meeting will be held this June in Siloam Springs, AR. Details will be posted. Chris reported on the financial status of the club as of year-end 2001. Any member wanting a detailed financial report should contact Chris. A discussion as to what the club’s plan for the 6-inch building was tabled. Several suggestions were brought up but nothing definite was agreed to. With no further business, the members adjourned to view some celestial sights for the rest of the evening.
Club Officers for 2002 are as follows:

President: John Reed
Vice-President: Open
Treasurer: Chris Lasley
Secretary: Lenny Bradberry
Programs: David Reynolds
Board Members: Carl Freyaldenhoven
Thomas Baskins